Since April 28 of this year, the NachbarBude has been bundling information about the diverse offerings in Dortmund’s Nordstadt and promoting networking among the neighborhood. A restored construction trailer currently adorns the church square at Münsterstrasse 57 and serves as a focal point for neighborhood involvement. One focus is on household-related services. The NachbarBude mediates between the neighborhood and serves as a contact point for needs and offers of help: from small repairs to shopping to other everyday assistance. It is planned to expand the offer professionally in cooperation with Dortmund craft businesses/service providers.
In addition to a focus on help and counseling services, the main focus is on providing information about the many free creative and cultural offerings in the neighborhood. In this way, the “Budenteam” wants to inspire a wide variety of milieus for cultural events, bring them along and promote cross-milieu encounters. The neighborhoods of the Nordstadt neighborhoods are colorful and diverse and, to a large extent, characterized by socioeconomic disadvantages. The NachbarBude, which sees itself as a “booth for ALL”, wants to inspire people, neighbors and neighbors to help each other on a voluntary basis and enable the meeting of different population groups, which otherwise only meet at the supermarket checkout.
“What’s nice is that we find that even people who find themselves in challenging life situations enjoy getting involved. The motto is: ‘I also have a few construction sites right now, but I have some time, I’d be happy to go shopping for someone or help put together shelves,'” reports volunteer coordinator Romina. “So everyone* can contribute something to the good neighborhood.”
At the booth you can meet for a drink, exchange ideas and offer help to each other. Joint visits to concerts in the Nordstadt neighborhood and the promotion of the “KulturPott.Ruhr” initiative in cooperation with Borsig 11 are some of the actions that NachbarBude is currently implementing.
The NachbarBude is one of many creative implementation projects that were realized as part of the iCapital Award.
Anyone who wants to get involved or learn more about the NachbarBude is welcome!