
Capital 2021

Your city has become!

Dortmund is an innovation capital that thrives on many large and small ideas - developed at eye level by all participants in an open and creative environment. A unique innovation ecosystem that the city has built up in recent years makes it possible: diverse networks and a broad-based culture of communication bring people from civil society, science, business, culture and politics together to address the big questions of our time. The result: highly innovative projects and approaches, with which we entered the race in Brussels for the title of European Innovation Capital 2021. Some projects implemented through the iCapital Award are presented below:

In the focus of our social,
technological & sustainable innovations:

  • Small innovations count just as much as large projects
  • Progress through urban transformation and sustainable, participatory urban development
  • Dortmund empowers all citizens of the city to participate
  • Maker Spaces, Idea Workshops and Networks to Promote Dortmund Innovators

We think together for the Dortmund
of tomorrow ahead:s:

  • Dortmund develops long-term concepts and strategies for a sustainable future of our city
  • In innovation networks, all relevant stakeholders have been working closely together for years with citizen participation
  • Dortmund offers innovative ideas tailored support through a comprehensive startup ecosystem – from the initial idea to the growth strategy.